The Paris Pledge

While the far right is progressing throughout Europe, we make a solemn commitment not to give in on our democratic, humanist and united principles.

We are committed to relentlessly combating hatred, racism and xenophobia. All over Europe.

We undertake to build a strong barrier against the far right in the European Parliament and in national Parliaments, on a continental and local scale: we will not give in on anything, neither ideologically nor on the political level.

We undertake to reject any electoral or governmental alliance with far-right parties, whether at national or European level, and to immediately exclude any party from our European social democratic family that breaks this intangible rule.

We solemnly call on all European political forces that say they support Europe’s founding democratic principles to act similarly.

We strongly call on them to join the resistance effort that we are launching without ambiguity or compromise.

Turbulent times require a clear course and a firm attitude. They do not tolerate vagueness or cowardice. We issue this clear warning to the European far right:

Wherever you attack any minority group based on origin, beliefs, religion or sexual orientation: we will be there.

Wherever you attack women's rights and LGBTQI+ rights: we will be there. Wherever you insult a European citizen to belittle, humiliate or dehumanize them: we will be there.

Wherever a person has to lower their head because of who they are: we will be there. We will be there and we will face you. And we will stand up to you without weakening or bending.

When a European citizen is attacked and humiliated because of who they are, it is the whole of Europe and, beyond that, humanity that is being attacked and humiliated.

The time has come to defend our principles and our open societies with infinitely more vigor. The time has come to become “démocrates de combat” and no longer of habit or comfort.

The time has come to be stronger in defending our principles and our open societies. We must defend and fight for democracy, not take it for granted.

First signatories

  • Magdalena Andersson, President of the Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party, former Prime Minister
  • Katarina Barley, top candidate of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) for the European elections
  • Iratxe Garcia Perez, President of the Socialist and Democrat Group (S&D) in the European Parliament
  • Elly Schlein, Secretary of the Italian Democratic Party
  • Robert Biedron, co-president of the New Left in Poland
  • Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the French Socialist Party
  • Raphael Glucksmann, top candidate of the French Socialist Party and Place Publique for the European elections
  • Paul Magnette, President of the Belgian Socialist Party
  • Nicolas Schmit, common candidate of the Party of European Socialists for the Presidency of the European Commission
  • Frans Timmermans, former Vice-President of the European Commission, leader of the Dutch Labour Party